R.I.C.H. Collective

A platform designed for humans to collaborate and put good into the world

Sharing perspectives to change mindsets & transform behaviors.


Welcome to the R.I.C.H. Collective, a cultural landscape where humans are invited to share their experiences with race, identity, culture and heritage within an authentic community of like-minded individuals. Designed to close the gap in the human divide through the art of human connection, the R.I.C.H. Collective invites humans across all skill-sets to meet here. Join a group to create a R.I.C.H. Project by way of video, paintings, photography, sounds, and more.

Identify the R.I.C.H. Collective you want to contribute to and prepare to ideate, design, collaborate, produce, share and expand your network for a chance to be seen, heard and experienced across industries.

Scroll to identify and join a collective today.

The Artist’s Collective


Zuri Stanback, an Atlanta-based artist, created this piece, “Looking Back” a reflective self-portrait that showcases him masked and on-guard. Zuri has been featured XXXX and his work has been showcased XXXX. Join this collective and have the chance to dialogue with Zuri and get your work critiqued.


The Photographer’s Collective


Photographer’s Collective | R.I.C.H. Pixels

Whether you’re a self-taught or seasoned photographer, shoot film or digital, join this collective for an opportunity to get your work seen by renowned published photographers and a chance to get your work published in Photo District News (PDN), National Geographic and more.


The Writer’s Collective

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The Writer’s Collective | R.I.C.H. Text

Calling all writers who love the power of sentence structure, the smell of paper and the pain of paper cuts. Join this collective for a chance to work with published authors, journalists and editors who will critique your body of work with a chance to be published in Vibe Magazine and featured in our special print edition.

The Musician’s Collective


Musician’s Collective | R.I.C.H. Sounds

Beat-makers, music producers, songbirds and bar droppers! We invite you to join this collective for the chance to connect with musicians, music studios, lyricists, to collaborate and produce an original track that could land as the soundtrack for TBD. Music editors from Tidal, MTV, REVOLT TV and record labels will make guest appearances in this collective.


Videographers Collective | R.I.C.H. Media

Join this collective for a chance to work with G-Shock. Here, you will be challenged to produce a 30-60 second spot on how to unpack and have R.I.C.H. Dialogues using our framework. Your work and production team will have the chance to be featured on win special-edition G-Shock watches, and be featured across various media outlets using our R.I.C.H. Dialogues format.

Three-Month Commitment

For your creativity and comfort, here is what the collective looks like today:

  1. Fill out our form and select a collective to join.

  2. Once you join a collective, you will be teamed with 25 humans to curate R.I.C.H. Content using our framework as a guide.

  3. Each collective will have three months to ideate and produce R.I.C.H. Content.

  4. Collectives will have designated leaders and featured special guests.

  5. Collectives will have bi-weekly meetings, with provided worksheets to guide the process.

  6. Collectives will be virtual or a hybrid of virtual and in-person and will launch digitally.

  7. Collectives will have the opportunity to have their work published on our website, social media and partner websites.

  8. Collective projects may be sponsored, in which monetary prizes may be awarded.

  9. Collective members will own the rights to the work they create.

  10. Collective members may be selected to be interviewed on our Care More Podcast™.

During this time of social distancing, we want to help you get connected into a collective. Submit your information below and we’ll email you when registrations open for the next opportunity to join a collective in March 2021.

Stay in touch!