Press & Appearances

“We tend to accept that failure is negative, but quite the contrary, failure is a result of effort. Innovation, positive disruption and progress sit at the intersection of effort and follow-through. Reframing the failure perspective is one of the most healthy techniques an organization can do. The most successful organizations understand that failure is a gift to learn from on the path to greatness.”

-Reggie Butler

Reggie Butler, a member of the Forbes Business Council, shared tips on how leaders can begin and handle discussions about failure.

Purpose at Work: How Google is Building Diversity & Inclusion with Performance Paradigm

We are honored to be highlighted in Forbes for our collaborative #DEI partnership with Google. Read the article here. 

Kristan Bush featured in St. Pete Life Magazine

In the Jan/Feb 2022 issue of St. Pete Life magazine, founder and president of Performance Paradigm, LLC., Kristan Bush was featured as a business owner/entrepreneur who exudes the focus and vision that it takes to persevere and succeed.


World Expo 2020 Dubai x Performance Paradigm

Reggie Butler and Kristan Bush along with Google's Global Marketing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Michael Muñoz presented Performance Paradigm's approach to creating interactive equity, inclusion and diversity (EID) training experiences like [Examined] Human at the World Expo 2020 Dubai. This was the largest event ever staged in the Middle East under the theme “Connected Minds, Creating the Future” Expo that brought together more than 200 participants - including countries, companies, non-governmental organizations.